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Hi! I'm Emily. My blog is about everything - I think you'll get a little laugh here and there. I hope I entertain you in some way or another!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cartilage Piercing: 4th Month Update, and How I Fixed the Crooked Angle!

Hi guys! Long time no see :)

In case you missed my 3rd day and 3rd week updates, just scroll down!

Here is a picture of what it looks like today, I took this picture about 27 seconds ago:

As you can see, the piercing itself has straightened out a lot. In the end, the angle it was at did bother me quite a bit, How I "fixed" this issue is pretty interesting - I took a bobby pin and attached it to the spot RIGHT behind the silver ball of the stud. I held it down a bit, so the angle was less steeper, and taped the bottom portion of the bobby pin to the middle of my ear. Strange, I know. I did it overnight twice, and after, this is how the piercing ended up. I worked really well for me, so if your cartilage piercing's angle is bothering you, try if you feel comfortable with it! I recommend doing it in the early stages of healing, within the first month or so.

The piercing is a lot less sore now, and hardly ever gets caught in my hair. No more redness anymore, either. There's still some swelling around the piercing. The front of it is flat and normal, but the back has a bump-like thing on it. I apply tea tree oil on a Q-tip and apply it really gently around it. It's worked okay, but I guess consistency and being committed to the piercing is a big part of it.

I still clean it with H2Ocean every morning and night!

I can sleep on the ear now, but only on soft pillows and in certain positions only. It doesn't really bother me anymore, except the sleeping part.

Remember, cartilage piercings take a long time to heal, six months up to a year. It takes a long time. Be sure that you're willing to take the time to take care of it, and nurture it like it's your baby.

Good luck!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know it is an old post but I would like to thank you! :)
    I slept a lot on my 1 month old helix because it didn't hurt and it got gradually crooked.
    I am really happy that I found this post! I started to lose hope because I didn't wanted to repierce it.. I will give it a try because your methode sounds good to me!

    1. Just wondering how this method worked out for you? Were you able to fix the crookedness? Did you have irritation bumps before and did they go away with this method?
