About Me

Hi! I'm Emily. My blog is about everything - I think you'll get a little laugh here and there. I hope I entertain you in some way or another!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm Moving...!

I'm not talking about moving to a different website or anything - I'm physically moving to another state of the US. I live on the east coast as of now, but in the summer I would be moving to New Mexico. I'm not going to say where, as city wise - but I'm okay with saying the state because the population is pretty large and I feel pretty safe about it.

I moved to the States when I was seven, because my mom got transferred here from South Korea. I was pretty young then, so I wasn't too scared about getting used to a new place - my world was small enough to think that I would make friends super easily, that no one would discriminate me, as long as I got past the language barrier. I love my life here - I'm twelve (thirteen in three months!), and I've adjusted very well even though I switched to a different school in sixth grade. In both of my schools. I have been very blessed and lucky to be surrounded by such caring and loving people. I lost most contact with my elementary (first school in the States) friends, but I've kept in touch with my two best friends, but we're neighbors.

My current school is amazing - truly a once-in-a-lifetime-chance. It's so unique, so amazing, so fantastic, and I am so, incredibly grateful to have had the chance to attend here. I'm really sad about leaving it, because I have made so many phenomenal friends. I promised all of them to Skype every day.

Where I live, where I have and am attending, my friends have made my life awesome and so lovely - I'm so, superbly blessed to have met and known them.

My fears and excitements of the future:
I'm excited to move. Yes, I have talked about my sadness about leaving my current home, friends, and school - but I am ready for something new. I love here- truly, but I'm also so excited for the weather at New Mexico, their culture, the food and mainly everything about it. New Mexico is a lot different from where I live, and I can't wait to learn everything about it.

Of course, I'm nervous for a new school, making new friends. What if I can't find a friend? What if I'm considered totally different, strange? Honestly, I am terrified. I don't know the schedules and the routines of the school, or anything about it. But I don't really have a choice - so I suck it up. I'm usually a friendly person , I've always been able to make friends, so I'm just mainly counting on my past for assurance.

I'll definitely update after I move... I hope everything goes well, and wish me good luck!

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