About Me

Hi! I'm Emily. My blog is about everything - I think you'll get a little laugh here and there. I hope I entertain you in some way or another!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm Moving...!

I'm not talking about moving to a different website or anything - I'm physically moving to another state of the US. I live on the east coast as of now, but in the summer I would be moving to New Mexico. I'm not going to say where, as city wise - but I'm okay with saying the state because the population is pretty large and I feel pretty safe about it.

I moved to the States when I was seven, because my mom got transferred here from South Korea. I was pretty young then, so I wasn't too scared about getting used to a new place - my world was small enough to think that I would make friends super easily, that no one would discriminate me, as long as I got past the language barrier. I love my life here - I'm twelve (thirteen in three months!), and I've adjusted very well even though I switched to a different school in sixth grade. In both of my schools. I have been very blessed and lucky to be surrounded by such caring and loving people. I lost most contact with my elementary (first school in the States) friends, but I've kept in touch with my two best friends, but we're neighbors.

My current school is amazing - truly a once-in-a-lifetime-chance. It's so unique, so amazing, so fantastic, and I am so, incredibly grateful to have had the chance to attend here. I'm really sad about leaving it, because I have made so many phenomenal friends. I promised all of them to Skype every day.

Where I live, where I have and am attending, my friends have made my life awesome and so lovely - I'm so, superbly blessed to have met and known them.

My fears and excitements of the future:
I'm excited to move. Yes, I have talked about my sadness about leaving my current home, friends, and school - but I am ready for something new. I love here- truly, but I'm also so excited for the weather at New Mexico, their culture, the food and mainly everything about it. New Mexico is a lot different from where I live, and I can't wait to learn everything about it.

Of course, I'm nervous for a new school, making new friends. What if I can't find a friend? What if I'm considered totally different, strange? Honestly, I am terrified. I don't know the schedules and the routines of the school, or anything about it. But I don't really have a choice - so I suck it up. I'm usually a friendly person , I've always been able to make friends, so I'm just mainly counting on my past for assurance.

I'll definitely update after I move... I hope everything goes well, and wish me good luck!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TAG: 50 Random Things About Me!!!

Hey friends!

So I thought that since you guys don't know me too well, I would like to change that around. So I'm doing the 50 Random Things About Me Tag!!! I'm so excited. This is traditionally supposed to be done on a YouTube video, but I thought that I would change this around. And, um, I don't actually do YouTube. :D And I TAG YOU to do this!!! Leave any comments beloww!! :)

1. I am not photogenic. I'm just not blessed to have the gift of looking impeccably perfect in every single photo. I get a good shot, maybe around every three months.

2. Languages are my favorite subjects. I think I'm naturally good with them... I like history too.

3. I lose at least one pencil or hairband every day. I just leave them somewhere and forget about it. I think I'm a record-holder.

4. I cry so much during movies. I don't really cry from physical injuries, but when I feel bad for someone in a movie or even a picture, my eyeballs start to bawl.

5. I absolutely hate olives. They are so disgusting.

6. I'm really good at cleaning, like my room. I get a feeling of ew, this is dirty and I would clean my room, and it would look nice and organized.

7. My favorite lip balm is the green or blue EOS. They are fantastically beautifully amazing.

8. I use Wikipedia and Google for everything. Like everything.

9. I love rollercoasters. I love the ohmylordmystomachisgoingtofalloutofmyintestines kind of feeling.

10. I doodle all the time. Usually on my friends' stuff though. Lol

11. I can type really fast. I've been the fastest typer in my grade for the past three or four years.

12. One app I am obsessed with is iFunny.

13. If I put on makeup I need a full mirror. I cannot use those tiny compact things that comes with makeup pieces. No. Just no.

14. I'm dexterous - I'm good at origami. I get it from my awesome mommy.

15. I have a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

16. I respect vegetarians very much - I could not live without chicken or pork.

17. I am 5'4 1/2. Still growing - trying to be 5'7 ish.

18. I sing alto in my school's advanced choir.

19. I love apple juice and water.

20. My favorite place to buy frozen food is Trader Joe's.


22. I prefer firmer beds over squishy ones.

23. I sing about purple unicorns half the time...

24. I am surprisingly okay at winged eyeliner.

25. Something that I am amazing at is talking really fast.

26. I do not make intelligent jokes. Mine are about farts and eyebrows. Yes.

27. In comparison to #26, I am a straight A student.

28. I don't wear makeup on an everyday basis. I would sleep than look attractive. I bet you can tell if you were to meet me.

29. I am drawing Brad Pitt in pen as of this week.

30. If I was deserted on an island and I could bring three things, I would bring a library, the Beatles, and a plate of California Rolls.

31. I like running in the morning really early. I'm just usually too lazy to do it.

32. I love eating barbeque - my dad makes the best.

33. I like having at least one long fingernail so I can tap it on random things and see what kind of noises it makes. Haha

34. A movie that moved me was Remember the Titans.

35. I love hugging people.

36. I put Vaseline on my eyelashes every night. It really does make them grow...

37. I don't understand how football people can wear all that gear and not die in the heat.

38. I hate having greasy hair.

39. I am a legit procrastinator.

40. Smiling's my favorite :)

41. I have never gotten any grade under a B- or C in my life.

42. I read very often. I also read quickly.

43. It took me two years to be fluent in English

44. I want to be able to speak five languages at one point.

45. I am PARANOID about stuff getting on my face and hair.

46. I have brown eyes, and black hair with natural brown-golden highlights.

47. Summer is my absolute favorite season.

48. I want to try gymnastics

49. I can spend hours of doing nothing sitting outside and talking to people.

50. I am a serious texter. I've used up to 10,000 texts in a month.

I hope you enjoyed this... This actually took me soooo long to write. Lol hahahaha.

Thank you so much for reading - it's amazing that you read my whole list!!!