About Me

Hi! I'm Emily. My blog is about everything - I think you'll get a little laugh here and there. I hope I entertain you in some way or another!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Cartilage Piercing Update: 3 Weeks After

If you haven't seen my blog post about after 3 days of my cartilage piercing, you can read it here.

Anyway, I figured I would update you guys since I've had my cartilage piercing for just over three weeks.

It doesn't get caught in my hair as much anymore - I tried having it down for a day or so in the first week, and it got caught on just about everything. I kept my hair up in a ponytail or a bun for the first week and a half to two weeks, and after that I've been keeping it down whenever I want. It gets caught, but MUCH less and it doesn't hurt. It is still a bit sore to the touch, and I can't sleep on it yet. Crusties still happen, but it doesn't hurt, it just gets stuck to the jewelry for a bit. I still clean it twice a day with H2Ocean on a cotton swab. Nothing significant.

There hasn't been any sign of it being irritated. I haven't had bumps or swelling at all.

I've noticed that my piercing is slightly crooked, and slopes downwards, but I don't really mind it. I think it makes it a bit more unique and mine. Here's a picture, for those of you who want to see:

As you can see, it goes down a bit. It's not severely crooked or anything, and not that noticeable. Not many people come up to me and glare at my ear. 

I plan on putting in a small hoop for the future - I think that's really cute and I can't wait!