About Me

Hi! I'm Emily. My blog is about everything - I think you'll get a little laugh here and there. I hope I entertain you in some way or another!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

TAG: My Perfect Imperfections!

I haven't written in a really long time and I'm lying in bed sick, so I figured why not do the Perfect Imperfections tag? I saw this going around  YouTube and I was like "THIS IS SO INTERESTING" so I'm doing one of my own, just with words, not a YouTube video.

So in case any of you don't know what this tag is, you list three things you don't like about yourself, and another three things that you do love about yourself. Ready? All right!

My 3 Imperfections:

1. Acne
If you've read my blog post on how I'm working on clearing up my acne, you know that this is one of my biggest insecurities. I don't really mind it anymore, but the scarring and redness is still there. I don't like using makeup because I'm just paranoid about breaking out even more and my skin being ruined from makeup. So I don't really cover it up, so it's out there for everyone to see. I suffered from acne ever since the fourth or fifth grade, and it's still here, and I'm nearing the end of the seventh grade. People judge from the first impression, and usually the first impression is of the face or the body, and acne is just not that great of a first impression. But I've learned to live with it and I know that it will eventually be gone!

2. My belly
Haha this is one I'm hesitant to put up, but I know a lot of people have this problem so I figured, why not? I'm a pretty muscular person, but I do have some extra chub on my stomach. I'm trying to lose it, but I mean, it doesn't bother me too much. I still look fine in shirts and stuff, just not tight things. I'm trying to start eating healthier and work out a little bit more.

3. My fingernails
I have a hybrid of my parent's fingernails. I like mine overall (their texture, strength, ect.),  I just don't like the shape of them. They're pretty circular, except my pinkies, so when I put nail polish on it doesn't look as beautiful as some peoples' who have really nice and shaped fingernails. This one was really random.

My 3 "Perfections"! I see more positive things within me rather than my flaws, so this is just a little bit easier to come up with.

My hair is really low maintenance, I can just wash and condition and let it air dry and it would look just fine. Nice and straight with a little inward wave at the ends. I've been having some problems with oily roots but that's usually because of the summer approaching. It's so easy to deal with and it grows pretty fast. I have some natural highlights and it's golden brown on my black to dark brown hair. I love that. I used to hate it, but I really like it now.

2. My personality
I've been told to be funny and easy to talk to. I think that's a pretty nice quality to have and I like those qualities in other people, too. I can be myself with others, I don't cover up who I am. I used to be sooooooooooooooo shy, whether that be me dancing with my friends or acting. Now I'm just like BRING THISSS OOOOONNNNNNN because it's something I love to do. I love being crazy and acting and finding ways to expressive. I'm usually agreeable, but I can be stubborn too. I don't like being weak, vulnerable. I like taking charge but I follow too. I have flaws in my personality - tons of them- but I feel like I have enough positive sides of me to balance it out.

3. My shoe size.
I wear size seven to an eight (in the US) and I know that it's the average shoe size for women, but they're just really easy to find shoes for me that are flattering, The funny thing is that I've had the same shoe size ever since I was like nine or ten, and I'm twelve now (almost thirteen!)

I hope you enjoyed that, you know me a lot better now!!!